L'Acadie Inn & RV Park's Fan Box

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summertime blues....

We have finally gotten through most of the summer camps- Camp Lone Star in Texas, Vacation Bible School, and Cajun-Creole Kids Camp. I feel like I have been busier than when school was in. Heidi only has one more camp in July- a culture camp. I have tried to work on some of my projects, but it's practically hopeless now. I was able to finish Matt's quilt-- just in time for a hot summer! Oh well, he'll appreciate it later in the year. I also made some nice baskets and other quilts for various gifts. We've been staying awfully busy with the hotel & campground. Apparently, oil companies are really looking for new sites. We've had pipeline & seismic crews keeping us almost full. Unfortunately, with gas prices and everything else on the rise, we're forced to increase our rates too. Believe it or not, the only expense that decreased this year was our insurance! Luckily for y'all, our loyal friends and guests, we are still almost half the franchise prices with more to offer!

My summer projects include container vegetable gardening, more quilting, taking care of lots of baby animals, canning, trying to get a schedule together for fall school, and last but not least, guitar. I have had beautiful cherry tomatoes, a few creole tomatoes, but no others yet. I planted late, so there's still time. I planted pole beans, cucumbers, yellow straight neck squash, herbs, eggplant and pablano peppers. Heidi has planted a watermelon. I'm curious to see how that turns out. It's some kind of black beauty with a really dark skin, but sweet insides. I was going to plant potatoes, but I waited to late for that. A local farmer told me to get the seed potatoes from the feed store and plant in mid-February. I'll have to plan that one next year (right before Mardi Gras; who knows maybe I will find the time!). The rain has been really nice for gardening this past spring, with cool days. But then summer hit with full force. Now it only rains once a week and seems to just make steam instead of cool air. The hobby farm is doing nicely. Both of our Katahdin ewes had babies, a set of twins and a single. The children aren't too impressed with the idea of eating the males (2), but it's that or the auction. Heidi wanted to get rid of the ram and keep the lamb with brown spots, but I don't think that would work with good breeding practices. Our buff hen hatched some chicks (3 little cute fluffy black ones). She was pretty ferocious with us when we tried to check on them. I think I'll put up a sign that says "Beware, attack chicken!". Heidi's two dutch bunnies also had babies. Speaking of ferocious, maybe I should post a sign that says "Beware, attack chick & rabbit!" She wants to sell the bunnies, but I'm dreaming of a cast iron pot for their futures. The goose is sitting on a nest of about 7 eggs. I'm not totally sure when or if they'll hatch, but I think I also need to add "attack goose" to my sign too. I have to wonder if I got like that when I had my babies. Lance would probably say an emphatic yes! We also bought some guinea keets. They're awfully cute. When I go out to feed them, they follow me around like I'm their mama. I hear some good and bad about guineas, so we'll have to wait and see. I think that since their diet is so much protein-based, their eggs should be very healthy. We still have our ducks, dog, cats and donkey too. They have kept to quiet lives with the exception of the cats. They're out in the front yard every morning stretched out in the shade, tormenting a poor mocking bird (Lance calls it breakfast theater).

I've only canned a few things this year, but the figs are coming in soon, and I think I'll put up some of them. I made stewed tomatoes and pickled watermelon rind. I have mixed reviews on the watermelon. It's kind of like a sweet & sour, a little like pickled ginger at the chinese restaurant.

Guitar is fun. I'm having a few issues with the barre chords, but I'm enjoying it. Bonnie, Lance's sister, is keeping me on my toes. We'll have a performance (with 30 other musicians & our kids) at the Liberty on Saturday, August 2nd. We're part of a group called the Prairie Cajun Fiddlers. Maybe we'll see you there!
Nickel & Matt are being serenaded on our last road trip. You can see what Nickel seems to think of the chorus!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Etouffe Title or Not....

Well, we didn't win this year, but Toby's etouffee was really great and we cleaned the pot. We had a wonderful time from Friday night to Sunday night with non-stop partying. If you'd like to check out pictures of us, you can find a few on The Daily World's website and a few more in their photo gallery. A Big Thank You to Toby Rodriguez soon to be Toby Pitre for cooking! Hopefully, I'll be back soon for more pictures.

Heidi, Alain and Camille have all started spring ball. We are practicing almost every weeknight and starting games the second week in April. The children are also doing a performance at the Liberty with Matt & Heidi on fiddle, Al on accordion, and Bonnie & I on guitar. This might prove interesting and somewhat entertaining!

Lance is having a birthday in May. He's working very hard on financing for Lakeview. We have also become Karaoke Revolution stars! Or maybe wannabe stars!

Also, for those of you waiting to see my quilt that I have been working on since August, you might have to wait a little longer. Eventually I'll finish it and you can bet your shorts, I'll have pictures posted everywhere!

Thanks for reading!